Another argument in the Fate vs Choice debate would be the presence of the Devil. Again, I am not a religious scholar so I only vaguely know the details of the origins of the Devil. But knowing that he is a fallen angel, originally residing in Heaven, just goes to show that God did not pre-determine everything. If God is indeed the true essense of GOOD. Would this not render him incapable of doing evil?
There are many theories of Good vs Evil, Yin-Yang and etc. All of which ultimately say that there is a balance in this world between the two main forces and certain events are good, and certain events are evil. If God were to pre-determine both good events as well as bad, would he not cease to be pure good? What is the purpose of having the Devil/Evil force present in the world if God is the one who pre-determines what Evil does?
I do not believe that God decides what Evil does. I believe that Good and Evil are always at war within our world and each side pre-determines some events, and also provides the means and opportunites for some things to happen. But neither pre-determines ALL events.