With the grand historical event of voting in a black man into the Presidency of America, the issue of color rises afresh in the news and media.
You see instances of both ends of the spectrum. One end uses it as an excuse or reason to place certain people of color in certain positions of power, regardless of the qualifications of others whom may not be of the same color. The other end sees it as a showing of true American spirit where any person, no matter what their race, can achieve the highest of goals which in turn, denounces the pleadings and protestations of minority races who somehow declare that they are entitled to certain retributions for deeds done to their ancestors...simply because they are related to those ancestors.
America is indeed a land of opportunity, for any person, of any gender, race, religion or lifestyle. Why people still try to declare one race above any other baffles me. Here we are in a glorious country where everyone is to be treated equal and fairly, and yet, people continue to insist on being treated in such ways that make things unfair. Our society is grossly lopsided in perspective. We see injustice and make great leaps to right the wrongs. But in doing so we create new wrongs and injustices. With all the flailing about trying to fix things so everyone is happy, we have left our society, our politics and our economy in tatters.
We have to realize we can't make everyone happy at the same time, but we can make a majority happy. Therefore it is time to choose the "right" people to please. For far too long we have been catering to all who cry foul, even if those people are of an illegal status. With this complacency we have then allowed our country to become overrun with illelal immigrants. Now their numbers throng so high that we are loathe to ignore their pleas. It is our fault in the first place that their numbers were allowed to grow so swiftly beneath our noses. We should have realized long ago that there is a loophole in the law that deems a child born in the US is automatically a US citizen. There should have been a stipulation that applies that law only to those parents whom are in the process of becoming a US citizen themselves. Why should a law of the US citizens apply to a person who is of an illegal status? It is like giving freedom to a criminal guilty of vicious and horrible crimes. This is in no way implying that illegal immigrants are vicious criminals, it is merely a comparison of metaphorical capacities.
We should certainly not condone mistreatment of illegal immigrants, nor do should we think them beneath any legal US citizen as far as being human and deserving HUMAN rights. It is just that they should not be given US citizen rights, including access to welfare, health insurance, and voting privileges. Unless they prove that they are in the process of becoming a LEGAL US citizen - only then should they be given those rights.
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Great Job!!!! make sure u put the ReTweet button so we can spread the views (if they agree) And other blogs. Great writing
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